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Does the NI-9185/9189 Support PTP/IEEE 1588v2?

Updated Apr 5, 2023

Reported In


  • cDAQ-9189
  • cDAQ-9185


  • NI-DAQmx
  • NI-Sync 18.6
  • NI-TimeSync 18.1

Issue Details

I know the cDAQ 9185/9189 supports Time Sensitive Networking (TSN).   Can I use the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) as well?


The 9185/9189 chassis supports TSN and by default uses 802.1AS time protocol to synchronize over the network. As of Firmware 18.1 the chassis also supports PTP/Hardware-Based IEEE 1588v2 (default profile). Follow the instructions in the following article to perform a firmware upgrade . Additional requirements are at least NI-Sync 18.6 and NI-TimeSync 18.1.1 installed on your host computer. You will need to switch the default timing reference to use PTP.

To enable IEEE 1588v2 (default profile) follow these steps:

  1. Open LabVIEW Example Finder using the menu Help > Find Examples...
  2. In the Example Finder, browse Hardware Input and Output > Timing and Synchronization > Time-based and open the example Enable and Disable Time
  3. Follow the instructions on the front panel of the example. If you encounter error -1074118552 (Driver Status: (Hex 0xBFFA4068) A failure occured while communicating with the remote device. Ensure the remote device is accessible.), enter the IP adress of your cDAQ instead of its name in the NI-Sync Resource control. The syntax should be the following, where <IP adress> is a placeholder: sync://<IP adress>/system