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Archived:Error Deploying NI 951x to CompactRIO in Scan Interface Programming Mode

Updated Apr 29, 2024

NI does not actively maintain this document.

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Reported In


  • NI-951X
  • cRIO-9074


  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW SoftMotion Module


  • NI-RIO

Issue Details

I receive the following error when deploying a CompactRIO project using the NI 951x in slots 5-8.  

Figure 1. Conflict error

This module cannot be deployed to this slot in Scan Interface programming mode. Only the first 4 slots have the high-speed interface support that this module requires. You can resolve this issue either by relocating the module to a slot supported in Scan Interface programming mode, or by using LabVIEW FPGA programming mode instead.


The NI 951x drive interface modules must be connected to CompactRIO slots that support high speed interface (HSI). Newer cRIO chassis, such as cRIO-906x and cRIO-903x, support HSI in all 8 slots.

Additional Information

  • By default older CompactRIO chassis, such as cRIO-9072, 9073, and 9074, only support HSI on four slots due to the available FPGA resources. By default these are slots 1-4.
  • If you are not programming the FPGA, the bitfile you create will be blank. This should still be loaded to the FPGA upon system startup using the initialization process described in Correcting SoftMotion Scan Engine Errors -2147138411 and -77055

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