IMI Industrial Accelerometers Specification

Updated Mar 8, 2023

Reported In


PCB PiezotronicsIMI Accelerometers 

Issue Details

  • What are the specifications of the General-Purpose Accelerometers and the Industrial Accelerometers?
  • I was surfing the NI site for accelerometers and I found some general purpuse and industrial versions, but the specification sheets seem to be missing. Where do I find them?
  • Which is the rage, sensitivity and excitation needed for the accelerometers that NI sells?


These accelerometers are manufactured by PCB Piezotronics and National Instruments only resells them. 
You can find the specification documents on the website of PCB Piezotronics:

The following list shows, how the NI part numbers correspond to the PCB Piezotronics part numbers:

Format: "NI P/N" = "PCB P/N" 

General-Purpose Accelerometers: 
Industrial Accelerometers: