CompactRIO and sbRIO Self-Diagnostics

Updated May 15, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • CompactRIO Chassis
  • CompactRIO Single-Board Controller

Issue Details

I am developing an application that will be distributed to a remote location and I want to monitor hardware and system resources for predictive maintenance.
  • What self-diagnostics options are available in CompactRIo and sbRIO?
  • What hardware and system resources can I monitor on CompactRIO or sbRIO and how do I access them?


There is no existing hardware diagnostic utility for Real-Time targets like CompactRIO or sbRIO. You can however measure several system and hardware resources:

Additional Information

In the case of sbRIO devices, an alternative for hardware checking would be implementing it as a feature of the daughter-board, disconnecting the IO from the external circuit and performing connections between inputs and outputs to perform a loopback test. For example, comparing a pattern output with a subsequent input would help identifying damaged IO channels.