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Error 59: The Network is Down, Unreachable, or Has Been Reset

Updated Nov 20, 2019

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller


  • LabVIEW

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I am connecting from a cRIO to an HTTP server and am getting the following error at HTTP Client Get:

Error 59:
Possible Reasons: the network is down, unreachable, or has been reset.

Why is this occurring and how can I troubleshoot the network connection?


When you connect your hardware over the network, the Microsoft Analyzer Tool performs a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup to retrieve the server host IP address. If the DNS cannot find the host name, you will see this error.
  • Make sure that your device does not have a static IP address. If it does, change the IP address so that it can be retrieved by DNS lookup. 
  • You can also check to see if the host resource record exists by using nslookup in the command prompt window. If the record does not exist or is incorrect, we can modify it to be correctly recognized.
  • See the Microsoft document The Host Name Could Not be Resolved in DNS for more troubleshooting steps and information.