Using NI 986x Modules with cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x

Updated Sep 20, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9861
  • NI-9862
  • cRIO-9040
  • cRIO-9042
  • cRIO-9043
  • cRIO-9045
  • cRIO-9047
  • cRIO-9048
  • cRIO-9049
  • NI-9860
  • cRIO-9041
  • cRIO-9046
  • cRIO-9052
  • cRIO-9053
  • cRIO-9054
  • cRIO-9055
  • cRIO-9056
  • cRIO-9057
  • cRIO-9058

Issue Details

I am using a NI-XNET module in a cRIO with NI-DAQmx support (cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x). I cannot add the NI-986x module under Real-Time Scan Resource or Real-Time Resource in LabVIEW project. Is this an expected behavior?


cRIO with NI-DAQmx support has three programming modes : Real-Time, Real-Time Scan, and FPGA. NI 986x modules will only be usable in Real-Time mode, and no bit stream is necessary. Unlike legacy cRIO, they do not utilize the onboard FPGA. The NI-XNET device-driven DMA engine is included in the NI-DAQmx ASIC. You do not have to add NI-986x modules in the LabVIEW project. However, NI-986x modules will be populated if you discover an Existing target or device with actual hardware.
You can detect the NI-986x modules in NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) under Devices and Interfaces after you have installed NI-XNET and NI-DAQmx on the cRIO.
You might be seeing error -88705 saying the device is not present in NI MAX. As long as you can discover the actual hardware in the LabVIEW project, you can ignore this error.
If you are using legacy cRIO (not cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x), please refer to NI 9862 XNET Port Not Visible in NI MAX .

Additional Information

  • The support for the cRIO-904x is added in NI-XNET 17.5.1. The support for the cRIO-905x is added in NI-XNET 19.1. The NI-XNET drivers can be downloaded from download page. Double check in the Readme to confirm the cRIO is supported.  
  • Please refer to Software Support for CompactRIO, CompactDAQ, Single-Board RIO, R Series, and EtherCAT for the minimum version of NI CompactRIO Device Drivers and NI-DAQmx required for your cRIO controller. NI CompactRIO Device Drivers normally includes the necessary support for NI-DAQmx.
  • NI-985x is only supported in FPGA mode.
  • When using cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x you can only discover an Existing target or device with actual hardware. You can't add it to the LabVIEW project without having the module physically. 

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