Try the following suggestions to resolve this error:
1. Increase the Scan Period of your target by right clicking on the
RT Target >> Properties >> Scan Engine >> Scan Period.

2. Use
Timed Loops. Timed loops ensure that a loop executes at a defined speed; however, their performance varies depending on the situation they are used in. Timed loops provide a high level of determinism however they are not as reliable as the second solution.
3. Use a while loop, remove all timing components and instead ensure the while loop is synchronized to scan engine by using the
Synchronize To Scan Engine VI. This solution, while more reliable than the previous method, may not be accurate over longer periods of time - especially when using external clock sources such as a PTP or NTP Clock.
- Example can be found in LabVIEW >> Help >> Find Examples... >> Hardware Input and Output >> Scan Engine >> Scan Engine lvproj.
4. Add the recommended Wait time of 30-60 seconds to the initialization sequence in the RT Main VI.