Error -200361 When Using Network cDAQs

Updated Apr 13, 2021

Reported In


  • cDAQ-9188
  • cDAQ-9185
  • cDAQ-9189

Issue Details

When acquiring data from a network cDAQ chassis at high speed, I get the following error message:

Error -200361 Onboard device memory overflow. Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput. Reduce the sample rate, or reduce the number of programs your computer is executing concurrently


Make sure that you have optimized the throughput of your device

If that has already been done, the sample rate might have to be reduced. For example, if you are only able to transmit at 10 MB/s, and you acquire 12 channels from three NI-9222 C series modules at 500 kS/s/chan. The throughput of these channels combined is 12MB/s (based on int16), so you will likely receive this error.

If you change these to 400kS/s/chan, then the throughput would be 9.6MB/s which in this case would work.

Note: Ethernet cDAQ chassis' support a throughput of up to 20 MB/s.