Can I Trigger an NI 9233 or NI 9234 Module?

Updated Dec 10, 2024

Reported In


  • NI-9233
  • NI-9234
  • CompactDAQ Chassis

Issue Details

Is it possible to trigger acquisitions with the NI-9233 and NI-9234?


The NI-9233 and NI-9234 do not support digital or analog triggers. However, there are a couple of ways to include trigger in the acquisition of these modules based on the platform.

CompactDAQ Chassis:

With a CompactDAQ chassis, you can use an additional CompactDAQ module that supports triggering to trigger an acquisition on an NI-923x. 

For digital triggering, a module with digital input lines must be added to the CompactDAQ chassis. For example:

  • When using the cDAQ-9172 use a NI-9401 in slot 5 or 6 and the NI-923x in any other slot in the same chassis.
  • When using the cDAQ-9177/9178 you can place the NI-9401 in any of the slots. This will give you access to the PFI lines of the chassis through the digital input line of the NI-9401 for digital triggering.

In addition to the NI-9401, any module with correlated DI or DIO can be used as well as the PFI pin on the NI-9205 and NI-9206.

For analog triggering, a module that supports analog triggering must be added to the CompactDAQ chassis. For example:

  • When using the cDAQ-9172/9173/9174/9177/9178 chassis, use a NI-9205 in one slot and the NI-923x in any other slot in the same chassis.
  • The analog trigger module and the NI-923x can be placed in any slot in the same chassis. 
  • Route the trigger signal to the analog trigger module. The trigger signal must be the first channel in the task scan list.
  • Specify the Analog Trigger Source as the analog input line on the analog trigger module. 
  • A good example to work from is the Voltage-Continuous This example can be found in the NI Example Finder at Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Input

Note: cDAQ-9178 has 2 built-in BNC triggers, and cDAQ-9177 has 2 built-in SMB triggers, which give users access to trigger/synchronize the chassis with an external source without needing a digital module.


With the ENET-9163 Ethernet C Series Single Module Carrier, the PFI lines on the carrier can be used for triggering.



If the NI-923x is in a USB carrier, it cannot be triggered in hardware. Use software to acquire data over a period of time and parse the desired signal in post-processing.

Additional Information

Note: PFI lines of cDAQ-9172 are only available in slots 5 and 6 and can be accessed through any module with digital input lines inserted in either of these two slots

For a list of C series devices and the types of triggering they support, refer to Supported Trigger Types for DAQ Devices.