Reuse .uir File Created in a Recent Version of LabWindows™/CVI™

Updated May 11, 2018

Reported In


  • LabWindows/CVI

Issue Details

I have a user interface resource file (.uir) created in a recent version of LabWindows™/CVI, but I need to use it (edit/debug) in a previous version of LabWindows™/CVI.  When I open it in a previous edition of LabWindows™/CVI, I receive the following error :
How do I get the .uir file to work without rebuilding it?  How do I convert my .uir file to run in previous CVI versions?


To convert your .uir file to a previous version, follow the steps below:
  1. Open the .uir file in the same or newer version of LabWindows™/CVI in which the .uir was created.  If you do not have a newer version installed, download a trial of the most recent version from the Try NI LabWindows™/CVI page.
  2. Under Options menu, select  Save in Text Format..., and you will be prompted to save the user interface file in the .tui format.  
  3. In the previous version of LabWindows™/CVI,  create a new .uir by selecting File»New...»User Interface (*.uir)...
  4. Select Option»Load from Text Format..., then select your .tui file to load it.
After completing the steps above, you will get the same user interface as you just opened in the newer version LabWindows™/CVI.