myDAQ Resistance Measurement with DMM Doesn't Have Enough Resolution

Updated Nov 18, 2024

Reported In


  • myDAQ Student Data Acquisition Device


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I have a NI myDAQ and am using the DMM to read a resistance sensor. I'm also using the DAQ Assistant in LabVIEW, and the resistance measurements I get only have 0.1 Ω of resolution. Can I get more resolution from my myDAQ?


With the lowest resistance measurement range of 200.0 Ω, the most resolution the myDAQ can do is 0.1 Ω as specified on page 7 of the NI myDAQ Specifications  manual. Also, using a DMM for measuring the value of a resistance-based sensor is not recommended. The recommended configuration for a resistance-based sensor is with a bridge circuit and a strain/bridge input module, such the C Series Strain/Bridge Input Modules .