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Error -50101, -50152 or -61018 When Communicating with a CompactRIO Target

Updated Dec 19, 2022

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-RIO

Issue Details

Receiving error -50101, -50152 or -61018 when trying to communicate with a remote CompactRIO device. This behavior is showing up either when I try to download an FPGA VI, detect C-Series modules in LabVIEW, or otherwise communicate with the device. The device shows up fine in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). How can I fix this?


These errors typically occur from a mismatch of NI-RIO versions on the host computer and the remote target, for example having NI-RIO 2.1 on the host but NI-RIO 1.3 on the cRIO controller.

The solution to these errors is to download the latest version of NI-RIO installed on the host computer to the cRIO controller using Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX):


  • Open MAX and expand the [+] next to the CompactRIO device under Remote Systems like below figure 1
Figure 1. Remote System and CompactRIO software
  • Right click on Software and select Add/Remove Software
  • From the list, select NI-RIO and choose the latest version available on Host
Figure 2. Install Software
  • Click Next