Missing C, C++, and/or Visual Basic DotNet Examples After Installing NI Vision Software

Updated Dec 19, 2019

Reported In


  • Vision Development Module
  • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection


  • Vision Acquisition Software

Programming Language

  • C
  • C++
  • Visual Basic .NET

Issue Details

I can't find any examples for C or Visual Basic after installing Vision Acquisition Software (VAS), Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI), or the Vision Development Module (VDM).


Follow the steps below depending on if you are installing VAS, VBAI, or VDM for the first time, or if they were previously installed. 

First Time Installation 

  1. On the Features page of the VAS , VBAI , or VDM  installer, expand Application Development Support. 
  2. Select the the desired support based on your application development environment and set it to Install this feature to a local drive. 

You can expand the specific type of application development support to see the exact support files are installed for your programming environment. 

VAS, VBAI, or VDM Already Installed 

If the examples were not installed during the original installation, you can modify the installation. 
  1. Navigate to Control Panel >> Programs and Features. Select National Instruments Software.
  2. The National Instruments Software window will appear. Select the applicable software (VAS, VBAI, or VDM) and select Modify to update the installation. 
  3. Follow the steps detailed above in the First Time Installation section to add support. You may be prompted for the VAS, VBAI, or VDM DVD during the installation. 
  4. To confirm whether the support files have been installed, you can find the examples in the following relative directories: 
  • IMAQ Driver
<Users>\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Examples 
  • IMAQdx Driver
<Users>\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Examples
  • IMAQ I/O Driver
<Users>\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ IO\Examples
  • NI Vision Algorithms
<Program Files>\National Instruments\Vision\Examples
  • VBAI API Calls 
<Program Files>\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2012\API Examples

Additional Information

VAS (includes IMAQ, IMAQdx, and IMAQ I/O), VBAI, and VDM each have the ability to install support for other APIs such as C and Visual Basic. The installer installs the Vision driver files and provides the option of installing support files (examples, libraries, etc.) for both National Instruments and third party programming environments. 

The installer automatically detects National Instruments programming environments, but you will have to manually select programming environments from other vendors.

National Instruments Programming Environments
  • LabVIEW
  • LabWindows™/CVI™

 Third Party Programming Environments
  • Visual Basic
  • Visual C++
  • Visual Studio .NET