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CAN Examples with NI-XNET Devices

Updated Mar 11, 2024

Reported In


  • CAN Interface Device
  • C Series CAN Interface Module
  • PXI CAN Interface Module
  • USB-8502


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

  • I have an NI-XNET CAN device that I want to program in LabVIEW. Are there any LabVIEW examples for CAN communication with these devices?
  • I can't find the CAN examples in the LabVIEW Example Finder.


You can find CAN communication examples for LabVIEW in the NI Example Finder. These examples are available once you have installed the NI-XNET driver.

After you have installed the NI-XNET driver, you can find the example by following these steps:

  1. Open LabVIEW and select Help and Find Examples.
  2. In the Example Finder, ensure you are browsing according to task
  3. The CAN XNET examples are located under Hardware Input and Output CAN NI-XNET