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NI 9862 CAN Card Can Not be Added to the FPGA Interface

Updated Apr 25, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9862


  • LabVIEW FPGA Module
  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module

Issue Details

I am using NI 9862 CAN card in my CompactRIO. In the LabVIEW project I can not add the card to the FPGA interface. But this card supposed to be supported by FPGA. What should I do? 


The NI 9862 fully depends on the NI-XNET driver, which automatically handles the FPGA "side" from the CompactRIO, whilst the programming is done in the Real-Time "side", even if the chassis is set to LabVIEW FPGA Interface programming mode.
The NI 9862 supports both the Scan and LabVIEW FPGA Interface modes, but the code will always reside in the RT Target, not on the FPGA.

Additional Information

There is a good example that shows this in LabVIEW. Please go to Help » Find Examples, then select Browse (according to Task) » Hardware Input and Output » CAN » NI-XNET » CompactRIO and open the NI-XNET CAN CompactRIO.lvproj example. Notice that if you right-click the cRIO-9116 chassis (not the controller) and go to Properties » Chassis Configuration » Programming Mode, it is set to LabVIEW FPGA Interface. 

However, if you open the FPGA and RT VIs you will see that the FPGA VI is actually empty and that the CAN communication is implemented on the RT VI using the NI-XNET API. You will also see that the modules are not within the FPGA in the project but within the chassis (same hierarchical level than the FPGA). The example includes a How to use this example.txt file with instructions in case you have not explored it already.