Create an Installer of NI Products and Drivers With Third Party Executables

Updated Dec 18, 2023



  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement Studio


  • NI-DAQmx

Operating System

  • Windows

Programming Language

  • C# .NET


  • Microsoft VisualStudio

This article will guide you through the process of creating an installer that contains NI drivers as well as a third party executable. Additionally, this document will show you how to build an installer that includes an executable built in Visual Studio and NI .NET functions like DAQmx needed to run the application. This can be achieved by using either Measurement Studio or LabVIEW. When deciding which of the two previous methods is better for your application, take into account the languages you currently use, and the benefits of both solutions.For example, if you have experience with text-based languages and prefer using Microsoft VisualStudio, then Measurement Studio should be better for your application.On the other hand, if you have experience working with LabVIEW, you're not using a C based language, or want a solution you can integrate with other NI products, you should try using the LabVIEW Application Builder. Please take into account that it is helpful to have the same versions of Windows when deploying Measurement Studio installers. This should work properly but can have issues in different .NET combined in different installations.


A) Using Measurement Studio

Measurement Studio is designed for engineers and scientists building test, measurement, and control applications using Visual Studio. Follow the next guide to create your installer in Measurement Studio to include your application, as well as the DAQmx driver: How to Perform Common Tasks in Installer Builder


B) Using the LabVIEW Application Builder

  1. Download and Install NI LabVIEW
  2. Create a Blank LabVIEW Project

  1. Add your .EXE file to the project, under My Computer

  1. Right click on Build Specifications and select New >> Installer

Note: You might be asked to save the project before building the installer. Save your project in an empty folder, to keep the file organization as clear as possible.

  1. In the properties window, configure the Build specification nameProduct nameInstaller name and Installer destination.
  1. Select the Source Files category
  2. Add your executable to the Destination View in the location desired

  1. Select the Additional Installers category
  2. Uncheck the Automatically select recommended installer box
  3. Select the NI-DAQmx Runtime with Configuration Support, and the other required software you consider is needed for your application to run

Note: Make sure you select the correct .NET language runtime and Framework versions, according to the characteristics of your C# application.

  1. Click OK
  2. Right click in the Installer and select Build

  1. When the build finishes, select Explore to open the folder with the installer file.


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