This issue could be caused by several reasons:
- The order of installation of the software could not have been the correct one. The correct order of installation is LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-Time Module and the CompactRIO driver. You can verify the installation order in a MAX technical report.
- You might be getting a screen with limited hardware options because you are trying to add a device under My Computer, whereas the cRIO, sbRIO or any real-time target must be added under the Project in the project explorer. Follow the below steps to add your Real-time Target in your LabVIEW project explorer:
1. Make sure your Real-Time device shows up in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). It will show up under "Remote Systems"
If you cannot see your target device there, refer to one of the following KnowledgeBase articles discussing possible steps to allow you to discover your target.
2. Create a New LabVIEW Project.
3. Open your LabVIEW project and right click on the "Project:" entry. Go to New >> Targets and Devices...
4. Add your device into your project
5. Add VIs to the target device:
If you already have a VI under "My Computer" that you would like to be run in real-time, you can drag and drop it onto your target from within the project explorer window.