Error -225130 in NI-DCPower

Updated Apr 12, 2024

Reported In


  • Power Supply
  • PXI Programmable Power Supply


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DCPower

Issue Details

When I:

  • Run my NI-DCPower example in LabVIEW
  • Try to control my SMU in Instrument Studio
  • Try to Self- Calibrate my SMU in NI MAX
I get:
Error -225130 occurred at niDCPower Initiate VI

Possible reason(s): 
Internal Software Error occurred in Power_Supply software. Please contact National Instruments Support. 

Device: <device_name>

Component Name: nipsdk 
File Name: PowerSupply\psd\trunk\17.1\source\nipsd\primitives\dma\input\tChinchInputTransferEnginePrimitive.cpp
Line Number: 292 

unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 
unknown (0): ??? 

Status Code: -225130 


Try the following steps to resolve this issue:
  1. Make sure the NI-DCPower driver is installed. 
  2. Restart the controller or chassis.
  3. Move the SMU/Power Supply to a different slot in the chassis.
  4. If connected through MXI, move the PCI/PCIe card to a 75W slot on the PC's motherboard.
  5. Reinstall NI-DCPower driver to fix a possible corrupt installation. 
  6. Update thunderbolt drivers if using a thunderbolt controller.
  7. Update PXI chassis firmware.
  8. Update controller BIOS.
  9. Update PC motherboard BIOS.
  10. If the above steps are all performed and the error still appears, your BIOS is probably incompatible with the SMU you are using. To restore functionality, please install the MXI-Express Bios compatibility tool by referring to the steps in the readme provided on the Release Notes page.
  11. If the issue is still not resolved, try to use a different host PC. Depending on the host used, there are scenarios where hardware or software on the PC are either incompatible with your device or block it from working as required or expected. 
If none of the above methods work, please contact your local National Instruments support.