Unable to Detect XNET, CANopen, or DeviceNet Modules

Updated Apr 29, 2021

Reported In


  • NI-9860
  • NI-9861
  • NI-9862
  • NI-9866
  • NI-9881
  • NI-9882


  • NI-Industrial Communications for CANopen
  • NI-Industrial Communications for DeviceNet

Issue Details

I can’t see my NI 986x (XNET module), NI 9881 (CANopen Module) or NI 9882 (DeviceNet Module) in my CompactRIO or Single-Board RIO. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?


The compatibility of the chassis required vary depending on which module you are using. Please make sure your device is listed in the supported hardware section of the documents provided in the Related Links below based on the module you are trying to use.

Depending on the version of LabVIEW and the type of RIO hardware that you are using, there are different solutions to this issue. The steps required for each are listed below:

LabVIEW 2015 with CompactRIO 15.0 or later:

If you have written FPGA code, use FPGA Interface mode, otherwise keep the chassis in Scan Interface mode and the modules should be detected. If your module auto-populates in either FPGA or Scan Interface mode and you're planning on controlling the module in the other mode, you'll need to manually move the module to appropriate location in your project.

LabVIEW 2014 SP1 with CompactRIO 14.5 or earlier:


Using cRIO-903x or cRIO-906x:

In order for the project to detect the modules, you will either need to write FPGA code and run the chassis in FPGA Interface mode, or compile a blank bitfile for the FPGA.

If you would prefer to use Scan Interface mode for your project, the modules will not automatically add themselves. You must manually add the modules to your project to be able to use them.

Using cRIO-908x, cRIO-911x, sbRIO-960x, or sbRIO-962x:

If you have written FPGA code, use FPGA Interface mode. Otherwise, keep the chassis in Scan Interface mode and the modules should be detected. If your module auto-populates in either FPGA or Scan Interface mode and you're planning on controlling the module in the other mode, you'll need to manually move the module to appropriate location in your project.

Additional Information

NI-XNET, DeviceNet, and CANOpen modules are not supported in the cRIO-907x series.

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