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XNET Compatibility Layer Unsupported Modules

Updated Aug 1, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9860
  • PCIe-8510
  • PXIe-8510


  • NI-CAN
  • NI-XNET 16.1

Issue Details

  • I am trying to migrate some older NI-CAN code to an XNET device utilizing the XNET Compatibilty Layer (XCL). Are there any devices that do not support the XCL?
  • I have a PXIe system utilizing some XNET cards and the XNET Compatibilty Layer (XCL). I recently added a PXIe-8510 to the application, and now I have MAX errors and the XCL is no longer usable for the XNET devices.


The XNET Compatibility Layer (XCL) is not supported on cards that utilize transceiver cables before NI-XNET 17.0.1. This includes PXIe-8510, PCIe-8510, and NI 9860 devices. 

Adding these pieces of hardware into an application that utilized the XCL will cause unexpected behavior in Measurement & Automation Explorer, including MAX errors and crash behavior if NI-XNET 16.1 or prior version is installed.