DAQmx Channels Not Appearing in PXI Real-Time LabVIEW Application

Updated Sep 28, 2022

Reported In


  • PXI Controller


  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module


  • NI-DAQmx

Operating System

  • NI Linux Real-Time

Issue Details

  • I am setting up Real-Time PXI system that includes a DAQ module. How will I access this module and physical channels in LabVIEW? Will I/O be deployed like a cRIO or R Series real-time targets? 
  • Why doesn't my DAQmx device appear under my Real-Time PXI target in the project explorer?


Most of our real-time targets such as cRIO, R Series Multifunction RIO, and sbRIO targets deploy I/O from the Project Explorer. 
If you are using a Real-Time PXI chassis, your non-RIO modules will not show up in the Project Explorer. You can access the channels of your device through LabVIEW VIs just like Windows-based DAQmx projects. As an example, this real-time project below has a PXI running NI Linux Real-Time, so the DAQmx module onboard (a PXIe-6375 Multifunction I/O module) is not visible from Project Explorer.

You can validate your DAQmx module and channels are connected to the LabVIEW project by adding a DAQmx Physical Channel control to your project and seeing if the module I/O appear, like the example image below.