Error -1074126845 From NI-DMM Read or Fetch VI in LabVIEW

Updated Mar 6, 2024

Reported In


  • NI-DMM

Issue Details

When I try and acquire data from my NI Digital Multimeter (DMM), I receive Error -1074126845: Max Time exceeded before operation completed. How can I fix this?


Several issues can cause this error.
  • If you are using an niDMM Read VI (Single or Multi Point), ensure you aren't calling the niDMM Initiate VI before the niDMM Read VI. The niDMM Read VI commands both initiate an acquisition and fetch data from the buffer. Adding an extra niDMM Initiate VI before the niDMM Read VI can cause the overall acquisition to slow down.
  • If using a Multi-Segment PXI Chassis, confirm you are routing the trigger across segment properly .
  • If you are routing trigger channels, ensure these are routed correctly on every call of the application.
  • You may need to set the Maximum Time input on your niDMM Fetch  or niDMM Read VI to be longer. By default, the maximum time is set automatically, but may be too short depending on your application. Refer to adjusting the reading rate for more information.