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Connecting a USRP-292x Device to a Computer Without a Gigabit Ethernet Port

Updated Apr 25, 2023

Reported In


  • USRP-2920
  • USRP-2921
  • USRP-2922
  • USRP Software Defined Radio Device



Issue Details

I don’t have a Gigabit Ethernet port on my laptop, but a 100 Mbit Ethernet port instead. Is there any alternate way to work with my USRP-2920 on this laptop? Would any intermediate switch board or USB 3.0-to-Gbit Ethernet converter work?


If the computer has a USB 3.0 port then a USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter can be used to obtain a Gigabit Ethernet port. This will normally allow to get the NI-USRP detected on the computer and getting started.

Additional Information

For maximum throughput over Ethernet, NI recommends that you connect each NI 292x device to its own dedicated gigabit Ethernet interface on the host computer. With a USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter, however, performance and stability are neither tested nor verified by NI. The use of a computer with at built-in Gigabit Ethernet port is recommended.