Loading Data From Databases Into DIAdem

Updated Dec 19, 2022

Reported In


  • DIAdem

Issue Details

What mechanisms are available in DIAdem to load and query data that is stored in a database?


DIAdem can load data from the following types of databases:
  1. ODBC / SQL / ADO databases (Access, SQL-Server, Oracle, ...)
  2. Citadel databases (Citadel 4 and up, VI Logger database)
  3. ASAM ODS databases

DIAdem can select database data using the following methods:
  1. Interactive tree-view dialogs using data stores in the NAVIGATOR panel
  2. SQL queries using DIAdem's built-in ODBC functions in a VBScript
  3. SQL queries using ADO object variables in a VBScript
  4. ODS queries using DIAdem's built-in ODS functions in a VBScript

Recommended combinations of the databases (1-3) and selection methods (a-d):
  1. a. NAVIGATOR supports only the selection of ENTIRE table columns (no WHERE clause)
    b. Simple DIAdem SQL functions, ideal for viewing results in a SUDialog
    c. Superior record/recordset control, required for reading BLOB fields
  2. a. Select Trace by Trace. Filter options: time slice, events / constant delta time
  3. a. NAVIGATOR panel provides full ASAM ODS search and filter options
    d. Fully automate data retrieval from an ASAM ODS database

NON-Recommended combinations of the databases (1-3) and selection methods (a-d):
  1. d. Run an import VBScript based on selection in Data Navigator (read String Columns)
  2. b. Possible, but not straightforward or especially fast with Citadel 4
    c. Possible, but not straightforward or especially fast with Citadel 4
    d. Run an import VBScript based on selection in a data store available in the NAVIGATOR panel (read String Traces)
  3. b. Defeats the purpose of having an expensive ASAM ODS server layer
    c. Defeats the purpose of having an expensive ASAM ODS server layer