This prompt appears if LabVIEW cannot detect that the web server is running. To fix this, ensure that the web server is running on an available port by following the steps below.
1. Check which port LabVIEW is using for the Remote Panel Server. The default is
- You can check from Tools >> Options >> Web Server. Ensure that the Remote Panel Server is enabled and note the port number.
2. Use
netstat command to check what application is running on this port.
- Open the Command Prompt and by going to the Windows Start Bar and typing in "cmd".
- Enter the following command: netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:8000 where 8000 is the port being used by Remote Panel Server.
- This will return information with the format TCP LISTENING <XXXX> where XXXX is the process identifier (PID).
- Use the PID to find the application that is blocking the Remote Panel Server.
- End this application. If this application cannot be ended, configure Remote Panel Server to use a different port.
Note: The Remote Panel Server will appear as LabVIEW.exe if running properly.