Error -1074134949 (0xbffa005b) With IVI Step Type in TestStand

Updated Apr 5, 2023

Reported In


  • TestStand


  • IVI Compliance Package

Issue Details

  • I am receiving error -1074134949 when running a TestStand™ sequence that uses an IVI Step Type with a Keysight power supply. How can I fix this?
  • I installed the IVI driver for my third-party instrument and configured the IVI Driver Session in MAX. Then, I added an IVI DMM step in my TestStand sequence to configure the device. When I ran the sequence, I got the following error:

An error occurred calling 'RunStep' in 'ISubstep' of 'zNI TestStand Ivi Step Types'
An error occurred while executing the step. 
Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Init operation failed for logical name 'Rig'.
Details: Session Manager: rgdm3068_InitWithOptions returned an error: -1074134949 (0xbffa005b). Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA005B) File not found.
Source: TSIviStepTypes

Error Code:
-31619; User-defined error code.



To troubleshoot the error, follow the steps below.
    1. Ensure that the IVI driver session was properly configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) by referring to Using Measurement & Automation Explorer to Configure Your IVI System .

    2. In MAX, select your IVI instrument driver by navigating through the Configuration tree: IVI Drivers » Advanced » Instrument Driver Software Modules » <Your instrument IVI driver name>.

    3. Click the General tab and make sure the Module Path (32-bit) and Module Path (64-bit) fields point towards the correct location of the IVI driver DLL installed on the PC.
    • To change the path, click the Browse… button and select the DLL. 
    • For example, the screenshot below shows the incorrect path for a 32-bit DLL. For this 32-bit DLL, ensure that Module Path (32-bit) is pointing to C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\rgdm3k_32.dll  instead of C:\Program Files\IVIFoundation\IVI\Bin\rgdm3k_32.dll.

    4.  Verify that the IVI Compliance Package and all its components (i.e. .NET and COM Adapters) are installed using NI Package Manager
    IVI Compliance Components

    Additional Information

    If using TestStand 4.0.1 or prior, consider the following additional steps:

    1. If the IVI Compliance Package was installed from the NI Device Driver CD before installing TestStand, do not install the IVI components from the TestStand CD.
    • Instead, disable the Basic IVI Class Drivers feature within the IVI Engine feature during the TestStand installation.
    2. If the TestStand IVI components were installed after installing the IVI Compliance Package from the NI Device Driver CD, run the repair utility on the IVI Compliance Package.
    • The repair utility can be found in the National Instruments Software Maintenance Utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel

    Note: Versions of TestStand running on Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000 are no longer supported. To get assistance with troubleshooting, upgrade the PC and software to a newer version of Windows and TestStand.