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USB DAQ Devices Support For Linux

Updated May 28, 2024

Reported In


  • NI-DAQmx
  • NI Linux Device Drivers 2019

Operating System

  • Linux

Issue Details

I purchased a USB data acquisition (DAQ) device and I would like to use it on Linux operating system. Are USB devices supported on Linux? Which driver should I install?


Only some USB data acquisition devices can be used on Linux operating systems.

NI-DAQmx Base does support some USB DAQ devices, but it does not support X-Series devices. For a list of USB DAQ devices supported by the latest version of DAQmx-Base, see NI-DAQmx Base 15.0.0 Readme. The last version of the NI-DAQmx Base driver available for download is 15.0. Please check compatibility for Linux, and macOS for supported versions of this driver. For more information, please read the End-of-Life Announcement for DAQmx Base Driver. If you are using this driver to interface your device with LabVIEW, please note that this driver only works with LabVIEW versions 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

NI released support for NI-DAQ™mx on Linux Operating Systems after the 19.5 version. However, all USB Multifunction DAQ devices are not supported on Linux distributions yet. Please refer to the NI Hardware and Software Operating System Compatibility tool to verify compatibility with your specific DAQ device. 

Additional Information

For a list of Linux distributions supported by National Instruments drivers, please refer to NI Linux Device Drivers download page.