This error can occur if your variable name is the same as a function name in the MATLAB development environment. For instance, using the variable name
disp and then trying to return this variable will generate this error. To fix this, choose variable names that are not reserved names used by the MATLAB development environment. See the MATLAB online help or user manual for a list of reserved function names.
This error can also be generated if the Clear All function is used in your script. To resolve the error, simply remove this function from your script. For more information on creating and using scripts in LabVIEW using the MATLAB® language syntax, refer to LabVIEW's VI, Function, & How-To Help.
Commands such as input require the user to interact in the command window of MATLAB. They will not properly run in the MATLAB Script Node in LabVIEW. The following is a screenshot of a MATLAB Script Node that calls the input command.
To fix this problem, associate the variable being assigned the input to a LabVIEW control input on the Script Node
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