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NI Package Manager Requires Latest Version or is Too Old Notification

Updated Jun 26, 2024

Reported In


  • Package Manager

Issue Details

When attempting to install or uninstall NI software, I get an error stating that my version of NI Package Manager is too old.

This version of Package Manager is too old to handle newer installed software.

A package you selected, or one of its dependencies, requires the latest version of Package Manager to continue with the installation. 


If Missing NI Package Manager Latest Version:
  The first error appears when you have software already installed on your system that has a higher compatibility version than that specified by the installed version of NIPM. The second error appears when you try to install a package with a higher compatibility version than that specified by the installed version of NIPM. To resolve these errors, upgrade your NIPM version:
  If Having NI Package Manager Latest Version Installed:
If you’re using the most up-to-date NI Package Manager compatible with your operating system, the issue might stem from an incompatible package installed via a custom installer. Try the following troubleshooting steps:
  • Generate the NIPM-generated error logs to get additional information about the error and the component causing the issue. The file "agentsErrorLog.txt" can provide some insight into the package causing the error. If you do not know how to generate these log files take a look at Generating and Locating NI Package Manager Error Logs and contact NI with generated logs for further troubleshooting.
    • If you identify that a specific package is not compatible with the Windows OS, remove the software that is not supported to get NIPM into a good state following NI Package Manager Download

Additional Information

In 2020, NI dropped support for Windows 7 and as such NIPM 20.6 was the last version that supported Windows 7. NIPM 20.7 and later only support Windows 10 and later. Any installer (older or package-based) built on a system that has installed NIPM 20.7 or later is prevented from being installed on a Windows 7 system. It is possible to alter an installer to bypass the OS restriction, which allows the unsupported components to be installed on a Windows 7 system. This is not recommended since it will upgrade components that only support Windows 10 and later and could cause this error message when installing/uninstalling NI software.