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Archived:LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit System Requirements

Updated Sep 15, 2023

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit
  • LabVIEW Application Builder Module
  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

  • What are the system requirements for LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit?
  • I have an executable that uses the NI Biomedical Toolkit. It runs fine on Windows 7, however, won't run on a Windows 10 machine. I have tried with both the Run-Time Engine and the Professional Development Environment. 
  • I am using Read from the LabVIEW Biomedical toolkit with my LabVIEW 64-bit development environment, and I receive an error: "Unable to view properties."


    LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit Support

    The last released version of the NI Biomedical Toolkit was for LabVIEW 2014. For later versions of LabVIEW, it can be installed via VI Package Manager.

    Versions after 14.0 are not supported by NI, and any questions or feedback should be relayed to JKI.

    System Requirements: 

      • LabVIEW Full or Professional Development System (32-bit)
      • LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit
      • NI-DAQmx 14.0 or later (Required only if you use NI DAQ hardware with Biomedical VIs)
      • At least 500 MB of disk space
      • Windows operating system
        • Windows 8
        • Windows 8.1
        • Windows 7
        • Windows Vista
        • Windows XP (SP3) 32-bit
        • Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
        • Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit

      If .hea files are used in the executable, install the PhysioBank DataPlugin.

      NI Biomedical Toolkit 14.0 does not support Windows 10 and does not support LabVIEW 64-bit. If you use the Biomedical Toolkit in supported environments, you will likely see these or other errors. 

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