- 我有一个使用LabVIEW报告生成工具包的LabVIEW程序。最近,我收到一个错误,关于一个VI Excel Save Workbook .vi以及它的所有依赖关系都已断开。问题详细信息如下:
The method selected in the invoke node is invalid or no method has been selected. Right-click the invoke node and select a method.
- 当我尝试使用LabVIEW的报告生成工具包打印Excel报告时,出现以下错误:
LabVIEW Class Method SubVI 'NI_report.lvclass:Save Report to File. vi': One or more of the set of VIs that this dynamic dispatch subVI or property item may call are broken.
- 我正在生成一个包含LabVIEW报告生成工具包VI的可执行文件,并在构建时得到以下错误信息:
A VI broke during the build process from being saved without a block diagram. Either open the build specification to include the block diagram of that VI or enable debugging to include the block diagrams of all VIs in the build. Report this error to National Instruments technical support.