Additional Information
There are examples that demonstrate this behavior available for both LabVIEW and any ANSI C development environment. The locations for these examples are shown below.
- LabVIEW 2012 and later:
Help»Find Examples...»Hardware Input and Output»DAQmx»Analog Output»Voltage - On Demand Output VI - LabVIEW 2011 and earlier:
Help»Find Examples...»Hardware Input and Output»DAQmx»Analog Generation»Voltage»Gen Mult Volt Updates-SW Timed VI - ANSI C, Windows 7:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog Out\Generate Voltage\Mult Volt Updates-SW Timed.c
- ANSI C, Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog Out\Generate Voltage\Mult Volt Updates-SW Timed.c
Note: The USB-6008/6009 has an analog output voltage of 0-5V. To prevent further errors, please change the Channel Parameters Minimum Value to 0.00 and Maximum Value to 5.00, along with changing the sine wave array from -2V to 2V to 0v to 4V.