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Can I Save Multisim Files in My Current Version for Use in a Previous Version?

Updated Mar 2, 2020

Reported In


  • Multisim
  • Ultiboard

Issue Details

  • I created or moved a file to a newer version of Multisim, but I would also like to save it for use with an older version of Multisim. Is there a way to save the file for use in a previous version of Multisim?  
  • Can I open 14.1 Multisim files in Multisim 14.2?


Multisim files are not backwards compatible. For example, a file created in version 13 cannot be open in version 12 or previous, and there is no option to save files as a previous version. 
On the other hand Multisim is forwards compatible, this means you can open older files in newer versions. For example, you can open a version 10 file in Multisim 13, regardless of the versions. Therefore it is also possible to open 14.1 files in Multisim 14.2.

The same rules apply to Ultiboard files.