Archived:What Version of NI-488.2 Supports the GPIB-USB-A?

Updated Jul 26, 2023

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Reported In




  • NI-488.2

Issue Details

  • I can't find what version of the NI 488.2  driver supports the GPIB-USB-A.
  • I have a GPIB-USB-A controller. When I plug it into the computer, NI MAX recognizes my device, however it says I am missing the drivers for this device. I have NI 488.2 installed. Why is my device not working? 


On a Windows operating system, NI-488.2 versions 1.0 through 2.2 support the GPIB-USB-A. There is no support for GPIB-USB-A on a Linux operating system.

Additional Information

NI-488.2 versions 2.0 through 2.2 support both the GPIB-USB-A and the GPIB-USB-B. 

GPIB-USB-A/B is now obsolete and can no longer be purchased through National Instruments. For more information about this product, please refer to the data sheet for the GPIB-USB-B, the product page for the GPIB-USB-HS (linked below), or to the manual that shipped with your GPIB-USB-A device.