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Use Large Address Aware Flag for 32-Bit TestStand Applications

Updated Aug 1, 2023



  • TestStand

Operating System

  • Windows

When developing memory intensive TestStand applications, you may encounter memory limits because 32-bit TestStand applications can only utilize 2 GB of memory by default. To expand the amount of memory TestStand can use, you can configure TestStand to be large address aware to gain up to 3 GB of memory on a 32-bit Windows operating system, and up to 4 GB of memory on a 64-bit Windows operating system.

This tutorial shows you how to enable or disable the Large Address Aware Flag for an executable file. 

Note: In TestStand 2013 and later versions, the Large Address Aware flag is enabled by default for the TestStand Sequence Editor and TestStand User Interfaces, as well as for any executables created with LabVIEW or LabWindows™/CVI™.

  1. If you are using a 32-bit Windows OS, first configure Windows to support large address aware applications. Skip this step if you are using a 64-bit Windows OS.
  2. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»TestStand<xxxx> (32-bit) Update Large Address Aware Flag
The Update Large Address Aware Flag utility appears. Note that the default operation is Enable Large Address Aware Flag.
  1. ​​​​​Click Add. The Browse File dialog box appears.
  2. Navigate to and click on your executable file. Click Add.
  1. Click OK. The executable file path should appear under File Path. The Flag Status reflects the current configuration of the executable file. In this example, the selected executable is a shipped TestStand User Interface that has the flag enabled by default.
  1. Click Apply. In this case, the Large Address Aware Flag stays enabled for the executable file.

To disable the flag:
  1. Select Disable Large Address Aware Flag under Select Operation.
  2. Click Apply. The Flag Status should reflect the change.