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Error "Support Not Present" with Measurement Studio Visual C++ 200x

Updated Nov 4, 2022

Reported In


  • Measurement Studio Standard
  • Measurement Studio Enterprise
  • Measurement Studio Professional
  • Measurement Studio (Legacy)

Issue Details

I am trying to install NI hardware drivers, but the installation stops and I get a message that the installation cannot proceed. I see an error message similar to the following:

Measurement Studio Visual C++ 200x support not present
  1 Installer c plus plus support.png
Why do I get this error, and how can I resolve the error to proceed with the installation of the driver?


You will get this error if you have selected to install Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200xSupport from the Features list in the driver installer and you do not have the Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200x Support installed. In order to install Visual C++ support for an NI hardware driver, you must first install Measurement Studio Support for Visual C++ for your version of Visual Studio. This feature installs support for Visual C++ MFC, which is now considered a legacy language

If you do not intend to use Visual C++ MFC and you are seeing this error, simply deselect Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200x Support from the Features list in the driver installer. For example, if you are installing NI-VISA from the Device Drivers DVD, you will need to select Do not install this feature for Instrument Control»NI-VISA x.x»Development Support»Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200x Support, as shown in Figure 1.
2 2014 installer c support.png
Figure 1. Features tree with Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 2008

After deselecting this option for each NI driver that you are installing, you will be able to proceed with the installation. 

If you do intend to use Visual C++ MFC with your NI hardware driver, you must first install Measurement Studio support for Visual C++ MFC. You can do this in one of two ways:
  • If you are using Measurement Studio 2009 or earlier and need support for Visual C++ MFC, run the installer for Measurement Studio again and explicitly select the option for Measurement Studio Visual C++ 200x Support, as shown in Figure 2.
3 2009 mstudio install vcplusplus.png

Figure 2. Measurement Studio Visual C++ 2008 Support in Features tree
Complete the installation with this feature selected and you will then be able to install the Visual C++ support for the same version of Visual Studio from the driver installer. 

Additional Information

  • Note: The error message described in this KnowledgeBase article directs you to install a feature from the Measurement Studio installer. That feature (Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200x Support) can only be found in the Measurement Studio installer for version 2009 and earlier. It was removed from the installers when Measurement Studio discontinued support for Visual C++ MFC, so you will not be able to install this feature from the installer for a newer version of Measurement Studio.
  • If you have a current license for Measurement Studio but do not have access to Measurement Studio 2009, you can request a Legacy Media Kit with Measurement Studio 2009. 
After installing Visual C++ MFC support for Measurement Studio from the Measurement Studio 2009 or earlier installer, you will be able to install the NI driver feature Measurement Studio for Visual C++ 200x Support without error. You should only select this feature for the version of Visual Studio for which you installed the Measurement Studio Visual C++ MFC support, or you will continue to get the error described in this KnowledgeBase article. 

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