VST Calibration Date Not Updated After Successful Calibration

Updated Jul 21, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-5644
  • PXIe-5645
  • PXIe-5646


  • Calibration Executive 3.6

Issue Details

The calibration date on my VST device is incorrect or not updated after I run it through the Calibration Executive procedure.


The attached VSTCalDate.zip contains an executable that a Calibration Executive operator must run after completing a VST calibration procedure. The executable compares the calibration date with the current system date and prompts the operator if the difference is more than a day.
  1. Run VSTCalDate.exe.
  2. Select the VST device ID from the drop-down, and click Continue.
  3. If the date does not match, VSTCalDate displays the calibration date stored on the board and prompts the operator to update the calibration date to the current day as shown in the image below.

If you have any questions, please contact National Instruments at calibration@ni.com.

Additional Information

The VST calibration procedure intermittently fails to update or change the calibration date. The device is guaranteed to perform within the warranted specification over the 1-year calibration interval, as long as all of the as-left limits passed during calibration, but the procedure may leave the date and temperature records unchanged.

This executable is intended to be run immediately after the calibration procedure completes and only on a system with Calibration Executive 3.6 or later installed. When you run the executable, it sets the VST calibration date and time to match the Windows system date and time.
