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Communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Devices in LabVIEW

Updated Aug 31, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW


Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Devices

Issue Details

I am running LabVIEW from a computer with Windows 8 or later, such that the OS has native support for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication. How can I communicate with my BLE devices?


  1. Windows 8 and later include native BLE support so it is possible to use the DLLs provided by the Operating System to perform this communication. To do so, set up a Call Library Function Node to use the functions exported by the Microsoft BluetoothAPIs.dll, as described in the MSDN Bluetooth Low Energy Functions reference page.
  2. Alternatively, a Bluetooth Low Energy Toolkit has been developed by a community member and the steps to use this toolkit can be found on LabVIEW BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) toolkit​.

Additional Information

You cannot use the built-in LabVIEW Base Development System Bluetooth primitives and VIs to communicate with Bluetooth Low Enery (BLE) devices. ​The LabVIEW primitives are based around older Microsoft Bluetooth drivers and do not include support for BLE device communication.