CompactRIO C Series Modules Not Selectable in LabVIEW Project

Updated Dec 23, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Full


  • NI CompactRIO


C Series Modules

Issue Details

  • I have a CompactRIO with one or more C Series modules installed in it. The CompactRIO is properly recognized by Measurement and Automation Explorer (NI-MAX) software and all the modules are recognized by NI Distributed System Manager software. But, when I add same CompactRIO to my LabVIEW project, none of C Series modules are found or added to my LabVIEW project.
  • I am trying to add a C Series module to my CompactRIO target in LabVIEW. But my specific C Series module is not an option. 
  • My peer sends me a LabVIEW project which includes a CompactRIO and some C series modules on it. However, when I open this project, the C Series modules have a yellow exclamation mark over them as shown here:

           How do I fix this?



This is due to software Incompatibility between the LabVIEW Development Environment and CompactRIO Driver version. Refer to following debugging steps:
  1. Check if your C series module is supported by the installed CompactRIO Driver version on your CompactRIO target or not.
  2. Check if you have installed LabVIEW Compatibile CompactRIO Drivers version on your development computer or not.
  3. Check if there is any mismatched software version between the LabVIEW development PC and CompactRIO System (Refer to below shown image). Use NI MAX to Install NI Software for Your CompactRIO System.