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Format Real-Time PC or Real-Time PXI Target to the Reliance File System on PharLap

Updated Oct 1, 2024



  • PXI-8115
  • PXI-8119
  • PXI-8840
  • PXIe-8100
  • PXIe-8115
  • PXIe-8135
  • PXIe-8821
  • PXIe-8840
  • PXIe-8880

Operating System

  • Phar Lap

I want to convert my existing real-time PC (RTPC) or real-time PXI target running the FAT File System to use the Reliance File System on Phar Lap. How do I do this?

  • File systems from other operating systems (NTFS, ext2, HFS+, etc.) are skipped in the partition scanning process for formatting and booting.
  • The formatter in LabVIEW Real-Time (LV RT) 8.5.1 and higher uses the traditional MBR partition table used on all PCs. GUID partition tables are ignored.
  • A format command from MAX will format with the existing file system on the target.
  • In order to install LV RT, the HDD must be set to Primary Master.
  • The maximum file size for the Reliance File System is 4GB.
  • The maximum hard drive partition size for the Reliance File System is 2TB.
  • NI removed support for PharLap for cRIO in the NI 2020 Software Release and for PXI in the NI 2022 Software Release. For more information, please see the PharLap RT OS EOL Road Map.

You can format some target hard drives from within MAX. If your target supports formatting from MAX, you can select Format Disk from the right-click context menu.
After you choose the Format Disk option, you will see a window with choices for FAT or Reliance formats.
Choose the Reliance (recommended) option to format the disk in that system format. For further details, go to MAX Help and search for "Reliance File System". If this option does not appear, please follow the instructions below.

Below are the instructions for installing the Reliance File System on a Desktop ETS PC and on a real-time PXI target. Both solutions require a monitor and keyboard attached to the target.

Desktop ETS PC:
Note: NI will remove support for Phar Lap for Real-Time PC in the NI 2022 Software Release. For more information, please see the Phar Lap RT OS EOL Road Map .
  1. Ensure that the LabVIEW Real-Time Module 8.5.1 or higher is installed on the development Windows PC.
  2. Launch Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and create a Desktop PC Utility USB Drive (Select Tools » RT Disk Utilities » Create Desktop PC Utility USB Drive).
  3. Reboot the target with the USB drive inserted. NOTE: This requires you to make the following changes to the BIOS settings:
    1. Modify the boot order to ensure the USB key is booted before the HDD.
    2. Ensure Legacy USB Support is enabled.
  4. Select the option to Format Hard Disk.
  5. Select either to Reformat the First Real-Time Compatible Partition or Erase All Partitions.
  6. Choose Reliance from the file system list.
Real-Time PXI target:
  1. Ensure that LabVIEW Real-Time 8.5.1 or higher is installed on the development Windows PC.
  2. Ensure PXI target is running the latest BIOS that support ETS with Reliance. See Determining and Upgrading PXI and VXI Embedded Controller BIOS Versions for information on determining and upgrading your controller's BIOS.
  3. Launch Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and create a Desktop PC Utility USB Drive (Select Tools » RT Disk Utilities » Create Desktop PC Utility USB Drive).
  4. Reboot the target with the USB drive inserted. NOTE: Requires these BIOS settings:
    1. Under the LabVIEW RT menu, set Boot Configuration to [Windows/Other OS].
    2. Modify the boot order to ensure the USB key is booted before the HDD.
    3. Ensure Legacy USB Support is enabled.
    4. If you are booting with a PXIe-8130 or a newer BIOS, USB Emulation Mode must be set to FDD or Forced FDD if the USB drive is 512 Mb or less.
  5. Follow the formatting instructions on the VGA output of the target to format the drive as Reliance File System.
  6. Reboot the System.
  7. On reboot, enter the system BIOS (not the Desktop PC Utility USB Drive) and select to boot into LabVIEW RT Safe Mode.
  8. Reformat from MAX. NOTE: If steps 6 & 7 are not followed, MAX will recognize the target as a Desktop ETS PC.
  9. To return your target system to original settings, remember to reset the BIOS configuration to boot LabVIEW Real-Time from the HDD.

Reliance is a file system developed specifically for embedded systems. It is used in real-time systems when there cannot be a chance that data could be lost due to file system corruption. In order for Reliance to be used, support for Reliance must be offered by the Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). The LabVIEW Real-Time Module 8.5.1 added support for Reliance to Desktop ETS PCs and some real-time PXI targets.