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GPIB-USB-HS(+) Device Shows as USB RAW Device in MAX

Updated Dec 17, 2019

Reported In




  • Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-488.2

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

When I expand Devices and Interfaces in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX), my GPIB-USB-HS(+) device displays as USB::RAW or as a USB device. When I select the device, I am missing settings to configure it. 


Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve this issue.
  • Test the GPIB-USB-HS device in a different USB port on the computer to ensure it is not plugged into a damaged USB port.
  • Make sure you have the latest compatible NI-488.2 driver installed.
  1. See what driver version is currently installed by expanding the Software tab in MAX. 
  2. Determine if it is a compatible version by referring to Downloading the Correct Driver for The GPIB-USB-HS(+).  
  • Make sure Windows is associating the correct driver for the device.
  1. Open Device Manager from the Start Menu. 
  2. Expand Other devices, right-click on the device and select Properties.
  3. Click on the Driver tab.
If the device driver associated with the device is not the NI-488.2 driver, complete the following steps to select the correct driver:
  1. Right-click on the device in Device Manager.
  2. Select Update Driver...
  3. Select Browse my computer for driver software
  4. Navigate to and select the NI-488.2 driver on your computer. The default location is C:\Program Files(x86)\National Instruments\NI-488.2