Your License Is Limited When Opening DIAdem

Updated Mar 24, 2022

Reported In


  • DIAdem Full
  • DIAdem

Issue Details

I am connected to a Volume License Server with a valid license and when I open DIAdem I receive a dialog message stating that my license is limited.

DIAdem  Your license is limited.  You have 285 days left.  You will be notfied automatically when you have only 14 days left.  Time left  27 [s]  Only display this message when the Shift key is pressed.



This is behavior is expected and should not be a cause for concern. The message is just showing that the license you are using is not a permanent license. There could be different root causes depending on the type of license you are using:


Using a Server License

The message is expected as the server licenses do have an expiration date. The days left will be calculated based on the expiration date of the license file running on the server. Once the EA, VLA, or AVL is renewed, the days left should be refreshed and calculated with the new expiration date of the license file.

You can use the checkbox to avoid seeing this message again.

Using a Single-Seat License

The message is expected as well. The days left will be calculated based on the expiration date of the current license used to activate the software. Once the license is renewed, the days left should be refreshed and calculated based on the new expiration date of the license.

You can also use the checkbox to avoid seeing this message again.

Only if you are using a permanent license prior to the migration to subscription, the message will not appear.