Error 1074118655, 1073807343 or 1074118644 When Addressing a PXI Device

Updated Aug 28, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-5110


  • NI-DMM
  • NI-DCPower
  • IVI Compliance Package

Issue Details

When I try to open a session to my PXI instrument (NI-DMM, NI-FGEN, NI-SCOPE, NI-HSDIO, NI-SWITCH, NI-DCPower) or try to validate my virtual device in NI Switch Executive, I get error 0XBFFF0011 or one of the following errors:
DriverError Code
NI Switch Executive-1074118644


These errors can have multiple causes. Try the following suggested troubleshooting steps below:
  • These errors usually occur when you address the instrument with a VISA resource descriptor (e.g. PXI1::15::INSTR) instead of a DAQ or DAQmx resource descriptor (e.g. DAQ::1::INSTR for Traditional DAQ, Dev1 or PXI1Slot1 for DAQmx). Make sure that you are using the correct resource descriptor for the driver you are using to communicate with your device.
  • These errors can also occur when there is a mismatch between your device and driver (e.g. Opening a NI-FGEN session with a PXI DAQ card instead of using NI-DAQmx). Check to make sure you are using the appropriate driver for your hardware.
  • These errors can be the result of outdated drives. Check the Readmes for your drivers to verify system compatibility.
  • These error codes can also be caused by corrupted drivers, consider formatting the PC.
  • These errors can be caused by a corrupted MAX database. This can happen for a number of reasons including sudden power loss in the system. Refer to the article How to Fix or Reset the NI MAX Database File for instructions on how to reset a corrupt database.
  • If you are deploying the code to a Real-Time target the controller might take some time to boot and establish the connection with the card so place a 10 seconds delay at the beginning of your VI.
  • These error codes have also been encountered if one of the modules mentioned above resides in a PXI chassis that has not been identified correctly. Refer to the article PXI Chassis Does Not Appear in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)  for more information.

Additional Information

For NI Switch Executive, the resource descriptor is in the IVI Driver Session on the Hardware tab. Double-click on the Resource Descriptor to change it.  

Note: The Resource Descriptor dropdown menu will only display the VISA resource descriptor; the DAQ/DAQmx resource descriptor will need to be manually entered.
Refer to the "Hardware Asset" section of the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for valid resource descriptor options. The help can be accessed within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) under Help»MAX Help