Archived:Requested VI is Not Loaded into Memory on the Server Computer

Updated Nov 29, 2023

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Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

When I try to view a VI remotely using LabVIEW, I enter the IP address and the VI name in the Connect to Remote Panel window, but I get the following error message: Requested VI is not loaded into memory on the server computer. What does this mean?


When LabVIEW connects to another VI across a network or the internet, it uses the IP address of the host computer and the name of the target VI to remotely connect to the application. This error message can be caused if it is not in memory on the server or if the name is not entered correctly on the client.

VI Not in Memory on Server

A VI is considered to be in memory whenever it is open (or running) on the server machine.

VI Name Incorrect on Client

The name entered on the client must match the VI name field on the host machine exactly, and must also adhere to the criteria below.
  • The name of the VI is not case sensitive, but it does require the .vi extension to be included. For example:
  • If the VI is part of a LabVIEW project, you must include the project name and the target in the VI name field. For example: If resides in a project called MyProject.lvproj under the target (case sensitive) My Computer, enter the VI name as MyProject.lvproj/My Computer/
  • If the VI resides in a project library, such as MyLibrary.lvlib, you must also include the project library in the VI name field with a colon between the name of the library and VI . For example: MyProject.lvproj/My Computer/
  • If using a real-time target, you can find the name of the VI that is currently running on the target with the Real-Time System Manager.

Additional Information

The following factors should also be checked as any one of them or a combination can also lead to this error:

1. The Web Server is enabled (Tools»Options»Web Server: Configuration)
2. Access to a remote machine(s) is enabled (Tools»Options»Web Server: Browser Access)
3. The VI is set as a visible VI (Tools»Options»Web Server»Visible VIs)