Error -89136 in NI-DAQmx

Updated Apr 3, 2023

Reported In


  • Multifunction I/O Device


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

  • When running my DAQmx task, I'm getting Error -89136: Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it. What can I do to fix this?
  • I am trying to synchronize two tasks by exporting a trigger from one task to the other. However, when running my code, I am getting error -89136. How do I synchronize my two tasks?


This error indicates that you are trying to use an internal route that is not supported by the hardware you are using. This is most likely because you are trying to route a signal between two pins that cannot internally connect in the device. Check the internal routes of your device first.


Additional Information

If you're trying to synchronize two DAQmx tasks, but don't have the necessary internal routes, the following is a possible workaround:

The method described below uses a digital output to trigger an analog input and analog output task. This can be done for any DAQ device which has limited internal routing.

  1. Connect a wire between the digital output pin and the two PFI pins on your device

  2. On both analog input and analog output task, use a trigger which uses one of the PFI lines as its source. (Separate PFI lines may be needed if PFI sharing is not allowed with the device).

  3. Create a digital output task which sets its value to false (low) and then to true (high). This high value will be used as the trigger for the other tasks.

    1. Make sure to write the true constant to the digital output task after both the analog input and analog output tasks have started.

Please see the following code as an example on how to implement the steps described above in LabVIEW.

In LabVIEW follow the steps below to navigate to example code for synchronization methods using internal routing.
  • Help>>Find Example>>Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Synchronization>>Analog Input-Synchronization .vi
The same rules that govern physical devices also apply to simulated devices . It is impossible to route from simulated devices to physical ones.