Additional Information
For additional information regarding software deployment with Microsoft SMS, refer to the following documentation:
Microsoft TechNet: SMS 2003: Distributing SoftwareMicrosoft TechNet: SCCM 2012 Software Distribution in Configuration ManagerNote: You should not invoke MSI components individually from an NI Installer. Rather, use a batch file to invoke each installer's setup.exe as outlined in
this article. The NI Installer framework, called from setup.exe, handles the following:
- Dependencies - each MSI component can have hundreds of dependencies
- Installation order of MSIs - each group of MSIs has a specific installation order
- Bookkeeping for software functionality such as Application Builder in LabVIEW
- Maintaining MSIs installations when multiple NI software products are installed on the same computer.
Installing MSI's individually will likely break the functionality of NI software on that Windows installation.