Error 1013 with Embedded UI on NI Linux Real-Time Controller

Updated Oct 17, 2023

Reported In

Operating System

  • NI Linux Real-Time

Issue Details

I’m trying to call a subVI dynamically on a Linux RT target. While using Embedded UI, I get error 1013 saying the front panel could not be loaded. Why am I getting this error and what can I do about it?


This is a reported bug tracked under ID 514879. The Linux target is unable to dynamically load the subVIs front panel, so Error 1013 is thrown. There are some workarounds for this:
  • Instead of calling the invoke node, use the Start Asynchronous Call with the connector pane of the target VI wired into the Open VI Ref.
  • In the Source File Settings tab of the rtexe build specifications, uncheck the option Use default save settings but keep the Remove front panel unchecked. See image below.
  • Turn off the Embedded UI.