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Why Do I See Old Data When I FTP to My File on a Real-Time Target?

Updated Sep 9, 2022

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module

Issue Details

I am writing to a file on my real-time target. However, when I FTP to the controller to view the contents, the data is not up-to-date. Why do the file contents not update?


Depending on what browser you are using, follow one of the work arounds below:

Internet Explorer (IE)
  1. Refresh the opened file or press F5.
  2. Navigate to Tools » Internet Options
  3. Under Browsing History click the Settings button.
  4. Select Every time I visit the webpage.
  5. Select Ok.

Firefox FTP client automatically requests the newest version of the file from the FTP server, so no additional steps are necessary. 

Chrome FTP client automatically requests the newest version of the file from the FTP server, so no additional steps are necessary.

Windows Explorer
  1. Follow all of the steps for Internet Explorer.
  2. Check to see whether the opened text file is a cached version by looking at the URL. The following URL (or something similar) indicates that the file was opened from dish and not directly from the FTP server: file:///C:/Users/WinUser/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/QB4TWLAZ/test[3].txt 
  3. Request the newest version of the file, by refreshing the FTP page in the Windows Explorer before opening the file. 

Additional Information

This is expected behavior when certain browsers access FTP sites. They cache the files (store them on disk) and show this cached version every time the file is accessed afterwards, unless the user explicitly requests a new version.