The 78XXR's user-defined flash memory consists of calibration metadata which includes a calibration password and calibration comments. Below are the steps to erase each one of those.
Calibration PasswordThe default factory password for 78XXR devices is
NI. To reset the password a default or known value, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to <labview>\vi.lib\LabVIEW Targets\FPGA\RIO\R Series\78XXR\783XR\Calibration\Public\.
- Open and input the current password in password.
- Set the newPassword to a known value and run the VI tool. The maximum length of the password is 4 characters.
Figure 1: Adjusting the external calibration password.
Calibration CommentsThe default factory comment for 78XXR devices is an empty string. To reset the calibration comments to known or default values, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to <labview>\vi.lib\LabVIEW Targets\FPGA\RIO\R Series\78XXR\783XR\Calibration\Public
- Open
- Input the known password in Password.
- Change Comments to a known value. The maximum length for the comments is 4094 characters.
Complete the R Series Calibration Procedure steps for adjustment to initialize, adjust, and commit the new comments to memory.
Figure 2: Committing the user-defined data for external calibration.
For a complete list of onboard memory for your device and how to clear and sanitize user-defined data, refer to the Letter of Volatility for your device.