Error Message DAbort 0xF50EFD7B in MemoryManager.cpp

Updated Jun 27, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-SCOPE 14.1

Issue Details

When running an analog video acquisition in NI Video Measurement Suite (VMS), or other LabVIEW programs, my application crashes with the error message:
DAbort 0xF50EFD7B in MemoryManager.cpp.


If using VMS and LabVIEW or TestStand:
This error is related to the version of NI-SCOPE you have installed with the NI VMS software. In the particular case where you have NI-SCOPE 14.1 installed, trying to run an analog video acquisition will cause this memory error message to appear.

The NI-SCOPE driver causes the crash if you attempt to run any LabVIEW-built DLL or executable that was built with an earlier version of NI-SCOPE. Since VMS is an application based on LabVIEW, this crash is related to VMS attempting to call NI-SCOPE functions when running through TestStand or LabVIEW. 

Returning to the 14.0 version of NI-SCOPE doesn't present this behavior and should resolve the problem. Be sure to uninstall the NI-SCOPE 14.1 Runtime in addition to the main driver component. You can also upgrade to NI-SCOPE 15.1, which is the first version to include a fix for the issue.

For other applications:
If you have acquired a program that was built in another country, this error can arise by in-congruent Uni-code language settings. To change your computers Uni-code settings...
  1. Go to Language and Region Settings in Windows
  2. Under Related Settings, Click Additional Date, Time, and Regional Settings (may appear different in non-Windows 10 OS's)
  3. A new popup window appears, click change location
  4. A second popup window appears, under the administrative tab, click Change System Locale
  5. Select the correct locale